Heartbreak and Irony
So, I've heard through the grapevine that I'm a devil-worshipping, Satanism promoting, black sheep. Some of the harshest comments have come from those nearest to me, dearly loved by myself and my family and who claim a deep religious basis for their opinions. I find it ironic, given the fact that the behavior being exhibited is so far outside the example of Jesus. I have to wonder....have they all lost their "WWJD" bracelets or something? Because the Jesus that I know, love and have an abiding respect for didn’t roll that way.
Let me start by addressing the obvious concern: that my personal faith somehow makes me a baby-slaying, naked-dancing devotee of the dark one. Well, first of all, Satan is a Christian concept. In order to worship the Devil, you must first believe in one, which really just makes you a bad Christian. I don't believe in a devil, so to accuse me of worshipping him is to say that I also have a shrine set up to the tooth fairy and a wear "Sacred Santa" medals under my clothes. Do I believe in evil? Heck yeah! I believe that each human being has a capacity for truly vicious behavior, that secret place of selfishness and self-centeredness that makes us think it’s okay to hurt others if it furthers our own ambitions, desires, or beliefs. That can mean anything from stealing money in order to be wealthy, cheating on your partner because you desire another person, or acting out in petty anger because someone else doesn’t believe the same way you do. Each of these examples is an act of pure evil—and you don’t need a supernatural Devil to make them to occur!
So, now that we’ve covered what I don’t believe, let’s talk for a minute about what do. I’ll try and keep this short, since I could talk for hours and only leave more questions and more tangents to explore. Let’s start with the fact that I’m a Pagan. What does that mean? It means that I believe that the idea of God is too big for the human mind to wrap itself around. So, we each grab onto one tiny aspect of it- like facets of a diamond- that works for us, is relatable and helps us strive to be a better human being: more loving, more holy. My facet might not be yours…they might look nothing alike, and you may hate the very idea of mine. But each, your version of God and mine, are just mental constructs we’ve created to try and grapple with that bigger, ultimately unknowable, Godhead. Mine happens to be female. Why? Because I see mothers as being more nurturing, more loving, more patient and ultimately more God-like than fathers. Maybe this is because of my own messed- up relationship with my Dad. Maybe it’s because of the great level of respect and love I hold for the amazing women who raised me up….my mother, grandmother and aunt. Maybe, it’s simply because God loves me as the Child of God I am, and has chosen to have a relationship with me, in the way that I can relate to God best.
I also believe in prayer. I believe in the simple prayer found in most religions….quiet time spend talking to God, silently or aloud, about the events of the day, my concerns, my fears, my hopes. I believe in prayer through singing, chanting and even using prayer beads, if they help me stay focused. I believe that prayer is important enough that other people need to pray for me too. So, when I really, really feel concerned/afraid/hopeful/excited, I’ll call on others that I know believe in prayer. Some of these people, like my wonderful spiritual community in Michigan, have mental-pictures of God similar to my own. Others, like my beloved family, whom I also turn to for prayer support, hold different views about God and religion. But I believe in the power prayer. And I believe that all prayers reach the same ears. One of my favorite expressions is “the ocean rejects no rivers flow” and that sums up my view of prayer- it doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re addressing God, your prayers will be heard, no matter what name you call God by. I also believe in active prayer. This means spellwork, which is nothing more than a ritualized form of prayer, using objects and phrases to help focus your mind on the subject of your prayer…be it healing, prosperity or simply connection to God. A spell is simply a prayer with props. Usually, I don’t need the props. But when I do, I use them…and it’s still prayer.
I believe that one of the best ways that you can learn about an artist is by observing their art. In other words, to learn about the Creator, one should look at the Creation. To me, that means that if I want to know the nature and reality of God, I should look at the world around me, which God has created in perfection. In nature, we have both male and female. I believe that God transcends and encompasses both. In nature, we have many races. I believe that God transcends and encompasses them all. I could go on for hours. But the point is, I don’t need a sacred text, written (or transcribed, depending upon your theological bent) by humans in order to understand the nature and will of God. I must simply open my eyes and look, in wonder and love, at what God has wrought. This where the expression comes from “the earth is my temple and my body, the altar.”
I also attend a Unitarian-Universalist church. So, what does that mean? Basically, UU’s ascribe to the following tenants:
- Respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
- The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
- The goal of world community, with peace, liberty and justice for all
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
That sums up UU-ism perfectly, so I won’t elaborate further. Sufficed to say, I find it a perfect fit with my Pagan practice. There, I hope I have defined myself to everyone’s satisfaction…at least so you know where I stand, even if you don’t care much for it.
Which brings me to the reason I started this post. I have to wonder what has gotten into some of the more Evangelical people that I love recently, to be so angry and hate-filled in their actions towards me. I seem to recall a Jesus who, when confronted with someone who didn’t meet his standards of conduct (prostitutes, tax collectors) or belief (the parable of the Samaritan…not quite a “confrontation” but you get the idea) embraced them, opened his table to them, and sat down for conversation. The only people Jesus ever condemned were the ones within his own religious and spiritual community. The devout who traded in the Temple, the righteous so eager to cast stones. Why in the world, if you truly seek to live by his example and follow the teachings of Christ, would you react with such hostility to someone whom you ostensibly love, who happens to have a different world view from your own? How in any way is that following the teachings or the example of Jesus? Those who love me, who watched me grow up and now watch me move in and interact with the world, know my character and my heart. They are fully aware that I am not a bad person, and certainly nowhere near approaching evil. Maybe “unsaved” in their book, but hey…how are you possibly going to save someone’s soul by insulting them and their family and then threatening never to speak to them again? Jesus would slap the spit out of someone who acted that way and said they were doing it for him!
To truly follow Christ is to model acceptance, love and patience. To toss someone out of your heart like so much trash, simply because you consider them to be a heretic or sinner, is to be exactly like the Pharisee’s he condemned. It is certainly not an act of the kind that Jesus lived every day. Wholesale condemnation was never the path of Jesus. When others turned their heads, he invited people to him. When others threw stones, he extended his hand in protection and mercy. When others crucified him, he offered only forgiveness. The ONLY condemnation he ever showed was to the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, “religious” people of his time. It’s a sad, sad, day when the Pagan girl down the street is living a better “Christian” life than those who claim to know him best. And yet, if you know a tree by the fruit it bears….just look at your own conduct in relation to mine. I wonder who Jesus is more likely to invite to dinner.
Ah, Stef, you're so eloquent. I don't know how anyone who read what you just wrote could continue to stand in judgment of you. You ARE a good person, which you know, and many other people know. You can only hope that with time, some of those who currently lambast you will come to truly understand the Christ that they (claim to) believe in and see that too.
I loved your saying about the ocean not rejecting any rivers. It reminded me of an interview I read last year with the new (female!) bishop of the Episcopalian Church. She said, more or less, "I think it is naive of us to believe that God reveals himself to us in only one way." That is so true. I don't understand why it is so difficult to respect the religion and beliefs of others? It doesn't cheapen or threatend yours in anyway.
One other closing thought, something I return to often and in fact referred to recently in my own blog. Christianity is based, fundamentally, on the idea that God sent Jesus to Earth to spread The Good News. And what was The Good News? Love thy neighbor. Plain and simple. There are no corrolaries, no "unless"es. Simply love they neighbor. If someone really wants to bring people into Christ's fold, the best, the *only* thing he/she should do is allow his/her life to stand as witness to Christ's teachings, treating others with nothing but love.
Stef, I hope one day your family will finally see the light - the one they claim to already see - and welcome you back into their world with open arms. Until then, they are the ones who are truly losing. Losing the presence of a remarkable, wonderful, kind and loving woman in their world. The kind of woman who would bring Immodium to a sick friend. ;)
Love ya bunches, Stef.
Wonderful stef. my heart goes out to you. you are such a great person and such a great mom. AND you wrote a book! not many ppl can say that! Congrats on the book, cant wait to read it!
Stef, as your mother and father, we love you! Since childhood you have been a thinker. You are not a disgrace to your family. We are not in agreement with Lauren though, many times thru your life, we have agreed to disagree. That's what makes you, Rob and Rob and Rory SPECIAL to us.
Beth & Wayne
Stef, I'm not really in the category of what you say. I dont go to church, I don't pray. I believe in God but I'm not religous. My point is when something goes wrong I don't throw myself into it. You talk about "evil" people doing things that might hurt the ones they love but thats just what you're doing. You got an advance to write a book. A book you know would be the end of Tanty. But yet you continue to do just that! I didn't mean YOU are a disgrace to your family. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh. What I meant was what you are DOING is a disgrace to the family. To repay one of the people who raised you by throwing everything her life means to her in her face is "evil" because of the hurt is causes her. Well since you have to approve this message before anyone sees it I also would like to add, if you have something to talk to me about just call me and say it. Don't have your mom call me. This is between me and you. Not me, you, your mother, my mother and nana. I don't hate you. You're my family. I just think you need to take a look at what you're doing to mainly Tanty and ask if it's worth it! I agree that everyone has their own right to religon. Thats what this wonderful county was established on. I'm not going to judge someone on that. But I also believe that when you pick a religon you stick with it. You don't dabble in a little bit of both. The morals that make the person Tanty is today are very clear about whitches and warlocks. Tarot cards and spells are "evil" in their book. You can't blame them for thinking that. This family is very religous. We both know that. It was drilled into our heads growing up. We both choose different paths. You choose a different religon I choose not to really have one. Again I believe in God I just don't believe in some of the things that come along with it. I don't think you're a bad perspn I just think you're trying to take two very different religons and make one of your own because you don't know which one you want. If you want to talk about it I'd be happy to. I don't want to yell and call you names.
Stef, I'm not really in the category of what you say. I dont go to church, I don't pray. I believe in God but I'm not religous. My point is when something goes wrong I don't throw myself into it. You talk about "evil" people doing things that might hurt the ones they love but thats just what you're doing. You got an advance to write a book. A book you know would be the end of Tanty. But yet you continue to do just that! I didn't mean YOU are a disgrace to your family. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh. What I meant was what you are DOING is a disgrace to the family. To repay one of the people who raised you by throwing everything her life means to her in her face is "evil" because of the hurt is causes her. Well since you have to approve this message before anyone sees it I also would like to add, if you have something to talk to me about just call me and say it. Don't have your mom call me. This is between me and you. Not me, you, your mother, my mother and nana. I don't hate you. You're my family. I just think you need to take a look at what you're doing to mainly Tanty and ask if it's worth it! I agree that everyone has their own right to religon. Thats what this wonderful county was established on. I'm not going to judge someone on that. But I also believe that when you pick a religon you stick with it. You don't dabble in a little bit of both. The morals that make the person Tanty is today are very clear about whitches and warlocks. Tarot cards and spells are "evil" in their book. You can't blame them for thinking that. This family is very religous. We both know that. It was drilled into our heads growing up. We both choose different paths. You choose a different religon I choose not to really have one. Again I believe in God I just don't believe in some of the things that come along with it. I don't think you're a bad perspn I just think you're trying to take two very different religons and make one of your own because you don't know which one you want. If you want to talk about it I'd be happy to. I don't want to yell and call you names.
To address just a few of your points...
1) I'm not sure which two religions you think I'm combining. UU-ism and Paganism are not something that have to be "blended" since UU churches are an amalgam of people from all sorts of religious paths gathering together to worship in community. If you're under the impression that I am trying to blend Christianity and Paganism, there you're wrong. I do not consider myself to be a Christian. The post you are commenting on was an attempt to address people's concerns in the language they understand and relate to best....NOT an attempt to blend the two religions.
2) If you want to talk about calling names, lets address your insulting my husband in a public forum and deriding his service-- which you know less than nothing about. That is unforgivable.
3) As far as discussing things with you, let me correct you on one thing. THIS IS NOT BETWEEN ME AND YOU. This, from the beginning, was none of your business. You felt a need to insert yourself and your opinions into my very public blog. You didn't call me to make your feelings known, you chose this forum and now you're stuck with it. I owe you nothing in terms of explanation or apology.
4) I understand that my faith hurts Nana. That grieves me more than anyone will ever know. BUT, you know as well as I do that you can't FORCE yourself to believe something just to make others happy. We believe what we know to be true, and we do our best to live in accordance with that. I have minimized this harm that being "different" causes Nana for years by not throwing it in her face. YOU chose to drag our entire family into this stupid, online fiasco. The pain she feels right now is on your head not mine.
5) I have not recieved any advance for this book, and you have no idea what it's about or what it contains. You assume too much to think that it criticizes our families faith in any way. I had no intention of every telling anyone in our family about my project. Who'dve known my mom would want to brag on me? That said, until you read what I've written (which I doubt you ever will) you have no right to comment.
Two more things:
You spelled "Witches" wrong and the term Warlock is not used in the Pagan community...it is an insult from the Inquistion that means "betrayer."
Also, Rob says that, if you support the war SOOOOOO much, and think that his service was SOOOOOOO inconsequential, last time he checked you were still of an age to put on a uniform and see things for yourself.
So....when shall he tell the Recruiter that you'll be stopping by?
a baby-slaying, naked-dancing devotee of the dark one.
OK, I knew that Emerson has had some wild services on days where I've had to work, but I had no idea...
Anyone who judges you on the basis of your faith instead of your life and your behavior is a fool.
I don't care that you are a pagan, and I only care that you are a UU because it means we get to see each other at church.
I do care that you and Rob are two of the best people I know. You have been a true friend to me and to the three most important people in my life.
That's what important. I'm sorry that everyone can't see it.
Dear Stefani,
Fathers Day is about 6 weeks away. That will mark 6 long, long years since you last spoke to me. So very, very much has happened over those 6 years in both your life and in mine. It is my prayer that by now you might be willing to open the door of your heart just a crack, so I might share some long due words and feelings with you.
First and foremost, I want to acknowledge and say how deeply sorry I am for the pain I have caused you in your life. My first inclination is to make excuses; minimize it; shift the blame to someone else; or to rationalize my behavior, but anything short of taking true responsibility for my actions would be wrong. And I promise I won’t do that.
Can I start by saying how much I have missed you? I have missed you like flowers miss the rain. There is a place in my heart, and in my life, where you are supposed to be. That empty place has ached for you and longed for you every single day. And now over 2000 of those precious days of life have slipped by. It is so sad that neither of us will ever have those days back again. I really don’t want to go through another one without reaching out my arms to you this “one more time”.
Stefani, I am so very sorry for the hurt you went through. When your mom and I divorced, you were only six years old. You know, from being a mother yourself, that six-year olds should not have to endure the pain that comes when parents fight, argue, and go their separate ways. I know everyone tried their best to explain things to you, but a six-year olds heart still missed their daddy and still cries in the night when he’s not there. I am so sorry I was not there for you to hold you and hug you and protect you.
Stefani, there were so many times in your life, on the phone or on visits to see me, when I would try and put all the blame on your mother. I talked about adult problems and issues that children should not have to deal with. In many ways, I was not allowing you to just be the little kid you were, and I piled way too much emotional garbage onto your little heart. All you wanted was my love and my quality time. I robbed you of that quality time by saying horrible things about your mom, (and Wayne). Any time with me was full of tirades about how I was wronged. How selfish and cruel that was. I am so sorry!
I want to say also how much I regret being so hard to please, (if not impossible to please). Your time with me was never enough and I guilt-tripped you nearly every time I spoke to you or saw you. I know you felt nagged and shamed and for that I truly apologize.
Also, I never, ever told you how very proud I am of you. I am proud to have a daughter who is independent and creative. A daughter who is a good wife and mother and who feels strong feelings about righting the wrongs she sees in the world. You are on a journey of your own and you have accomplished a lot in your short life. I hear you may even soon have a book published of your own. I always new from about age 9 or 10 that you would write a book. You do truly love the written word.
Let me just end by saying that I know you feel like you never measured up to my unreasonable demands on you. Your best was never good enough and I never made you feel loved and accepted for being just the way you are. It was always CONDITIONAL love, based on conditions that were impossible to meet. That was wrong of me. I DO love you. Truly love you … and I love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!
If you can ever see enough forgiveness in your heart to give me another chance. I would love to start a dialog with you. Even if it is just a few words at first or even an e-mail. I really want to start being the dad for you that you have always wanted. That is my daily prayer.
With real and everlasting love…… Your Dad
Wow. You just described me. And my beliefs. Awesome and amazing. I might have to hold on to this to forward to some people who tend to judge my beliefs, since it's so well-written, and, well, why bother reinventing the wheel?
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