Pacifism Is a Verb

A forum for discussing pacifism, politics, social justice and civic action, peacemaking, warmongering and everything in between.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Welcome to my Nightmare

So, the subject line here isn't very creative, but it's the most accurate and realistic one I could think of at the moment. This is a journal of my life an ardent pacifist military wife. A life of worry, conflict and contradiction. "Pacifism is being willing to acknowledge our own capacity for violence and to struggle against it every single day; in much the same way that an alcoholic fights every day not to take that drink. Pacifism is nothing less than a series of choices make every day, every hour, every minute to resist our violences and reject our privledges." This is my piss-poor paraphrasing of a Utah Phillips-quoting-Amon Hennessy quote. But it explains my mindset and my choices and my name for this blog. I hope you come along with me...


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